May the force be with you.

Still in love with my Darth Vader shirt by Preen. Perfect for today. And pink for a change.
The Lust List - Sally Spratt. Too pretty to give away!

Procrastinating like a bitch. 
Like no tomorrow. Fuck's sake.

God bless you, Anthea. Thank you.

'But it ain't about how hard you're hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward.'

If not now, then when?

Thanks Bulba! ♥

Shit that happens at 4AM.

Erased toxicity yet accidentally lost the harmless; lost what I wanted to store. The world hasn't ended yet but it feels like an immense loss. Sad, although partly retrievable with effort, the remaining is a permanent lost. What a pain in the ass. Now returning to reality.

Why stay then? Reasons are invalid. Is it because you are afraid. Afraid of nothing you know of, yet everything. Clearly all that is visible to your eyes is my inadequacy. It is written all over me, to the eyes that matter most. Now that leaves me in dismay. Floods the mind with melancholic thoughts.